Thanks to the generous donations from Shaders, the Sustainable Maple Shade Costume Swap celebrated another successful year. The group collected more than 60 full costumes, 30 packages of costume makeup, 20 hats, 10 headbands, 10 brand new wigs and about 20 other random accessories to complete a Halloween look.

After the donations were sorted and sized, the shopping was on!
About 60 families came to look through the options, going home with any number of costumes from Wednesday Adams and Ghostbusters to Pumpkins and Unicorns to Michael Myers and Vampires.
The goal of the Costume Swap is to keep costumes out of the trash and give them new life. Most people will only wear a costume one time. Costumes start at $25 on the cheap end, and they only get pricier from there. After the donations are collected, sorted and sized, anyone in Maple Shade, whether they donated or not, are able to come look through the offerings and take whatever they want for free. It’s just one more way Sustainable Maple Shade is reducing, reusing and recycling.
